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What are Earth Angels?

Writer: Golden Heaven on EarthGolden Heaven on Earth

Earth Angels are people who, under the influence of the Light of their God, carry out missions of peace.  Earth Angels are those people that just seem to be there in your time of need.


An Angel, will sometimes manifest as an Earth Angel to help someone during a crisis, when they hear cries from a person’s soul.  Angels can appear to us, and come to us, in whatever form we are most easily able to understand.  They can appear in human form, as animals, birds, butterflies even insects!


The label Earth Angel is frequently given to those people, who in their day to day existence use their intention and intuition, to work with the light and love of Angels to help others. 

They therefore display the qualities of the Angels. 


Angels often use these compassionate beings to channel their loving energy and assistance, to those situations or places, where the frequency is too dense or hostile.  Angels find it difficult to reach people and places where there are discordant energies.

An Angel Footprint

Where an Angel has walked, there is an energetic footprint

As the next person passes by, this energy is then absorbed


Where an Earth Angel walks there is an energetic footprint

As the next person passes by, this energy is then absorbed


As your raise your awareness, you raise your vibration

You find your wings.  Your energy becomes finer and purer


Your footprint becomes more unique and subtle

Walk with your Angels today, make pure footprints in the ground


Help the soul of another to be nurtured and grow

We all grow together, we are interconnected

If you want to know more about Angels Click below to Buy an E-book

( Meet Your Guardian Angel)



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