The term Spiritual Heirachy, is actually a great misconception
Everyone from an Ascended Master, to an insect, to a Planetary or Universal Logos, has equal energy and contribution to the Oneness of all that we know as God or the Creator
Hierachies can be misleading ....
As can the term initiations on the path called Ascension
What is important is you Hearts Desire
Your Hearts Desire to serve Humanity through Love
This is the basic and yet most profound meaning of accelerated spiritual development - Ascension
Recognise that all is interconnected, your loving heartbeat affects the frequency and purity of another heartbeat
Your loving heartbeat, creates a vibrational healing for all other BEINGS!
It is in the BEING that we BECOME!
When you allow yourself to Be Loving you BECOME LOVE!
Focus on your own will and intent to progress along your spiritual path
Your heartfelt request will be felt and heard by the Universe and you will make another progressive step towards the ONENESS!
The ONENESS is the place where all souls rest eternally, bathed in Love and Peace ... from the Creator
Be a Beacon of Light! ... Go forth and serve ...