There are 4 options to choose from:
Soul Reading £350
A soul reading with the Angels helps you to understand where you are
going in your life and what you may need to address in order to
achieve more levels of success, happiness, peace of mind, blessings
and abundance in all things. Reading conducted via zoom for
approximately 1 hour with Michelle Fielding, psychic, clairvoyant
intuitive reader. PLEASE NOTE: There is often a wait for readings. I
am currently taking bookings 3 - 4 months in advance.
Emergency Soul Reading
SHORTER WAIT TIME! (approximately 2-6 week wait time) A soul reading
with the Angels helps you to understand where you are going in your
life and what you may need to address in order to achieve more levels
of success, happiness, peace of mind, blessings and abundance in all
things. Reading conducted via zoom for approximately 1.5 hours with
Michelle Fielding, psychic, clairvoyant intuitive reader.
E-Courses with Soul Reading
Buy an Angel Soul Reading and E-Course as a bundle
Choose from the following courses:
Ascension - Finding your Mastery
Find out about the higher spiritual path to God Consciousness- Enlightenment
The route home to the Oneness
Full video course with meditations.
Guardian Angel E-Course
You will learn all aspects of how to meet your Guardian Angel
Archangel Michael E-Course
Full video course describing how to meet Archangel Michael
One to one Training with Michelle Fielding
Personalised coaching with Michelle over 4 sessions lasting 1.5 hours you will learn how to meet and recognise your the presence of your Guardian Angel