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Writer's pictureGolden Heaven on Earth

Meditation is the route to meeting your Angels

Training the mind for peace


Meditation is the route to peace.  Peace is the route to meeting your Angels. By focusing your mind, you teach your thoughts to become calm.  With small regular sessions your mood will lift, the seeming frustrations of your life will no longer hold significance; you will open to the wisdom of non-attachment.


When you are no longer attached to outcomes or to controlling outcomes, you are free!  When you have freedom, you have peace.  Angels are drawn to the feelings of peace.


What greater gift to give another than your feeling of inner peace?

When we all have peace, the world will be healed


Meditation is peace training for the mind.  As our thoughts reduce to a much slower pace, the brain waves change.  By slowing the frequency, we create a vibration of peace and calmness and this creates a resonance with the vibration of Angels.


The Light of the Angels which is fine and pure, can now easily access your physical space.  The mind having slowed to a different pace is now in a state similar to when we have deep refreshing sleep.  During deep refreshing sleep the body can heal.


During your meditation, your thoughts of peace and calm accelerate your natural healing mechanism, and you draw in the healing essence of your Angels.

Meditation - the route to Enlightenment

As our thoughts reduce to a much slower pace, our brain waves change.  By slowing the frequency, we create a vibration of peace and calmness.  This peace and calmness resonate with the vibration of Angels. 


The Angels can now approach you and their healing waves and sonics merge into your being.  You are becoming at one with the love of the Angels.  Continued and regular practice allows this process of merging with the love of the Angels and it takes you on a journey towards Enlightenment.


Enlightenment is a profound moment where you see the world through different eyes.

You see the world from a different perspective, you realise there is no separation.  You realise that everything is in fact, One.


Once the seed of Enlightenment has been planted, then true Peace and Love for all is understood at a soul level.  Your whole perspective changes to ‘How may I serve’?  You realise that your service affects the whole.


Meditation, visualisation, contemplation.  These are all essential tools for training the mind for Peace.


It is in the silence that we hear

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Unknown member
Nov 15, 2023


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